
Required Training

All RMRC Volunteers are required to complete a few basic trainings within their first year with the RMRC.  These training courses are essential in providing the most basic information and skills necessary to work effectively as an MRC Volunteer.  

Advanced Training

Some volunteers may wish to gain further training, or to hold a leadership role within the RMRC.  The MRC Level Training Matrix provides an outline of the training requirements for each MRC Level.  As volunteers complete more advanced training, they can advance to more skilled positions within the RMRC.  Not all volunteers are expected to pursue this route, but it is encouraged!  

Level 1

Monthly Competency Training

The RMRC also offers monthly training sessions related to one or more core competencies.  These sessions are held in person at the RAHD Offices in Fredericksburg.  Check out the calendar located on the home page for a schedule.

"Then, Now, and the Future of the MRC"

If you missed this webinar detailing the past, present, and future of the Virginia Medical Reserve Corps, you can now view it anytime on TRAIN Virginia.  Follow this link to view the presentation featuring Medical Reserve Corps Director Captain Tosatto and State Coordinator Jennifer Freeland.

Blood Pressure Measurement Training (Healthcare Professionals Only)

The RMRC will be participating in health screenings throughout the community in an effort to better serve some of our more vulnerable populations.  Blood pressure screeners are needed!  To perform BP screenings for the MRC, you must be a healthcare professional and have proof of successful completion of "Measuring Blood Pressure in the 21st Century."  This 1.5 hour course is available online through TRAINVirginia, course ID #1059345

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